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Indiastudychannel was started at 2008,Indiastudychannel was founded by three numbers they are Tony john,Timmi john  and Jose Mathew,in 2008 Indiastudychannel mainly doing work was small acdamic project with a directory of major universities, colleges and courses in India.

Indiastudychannel was getting most popular education website in India, in the period of 2yers.Indiastudychannel was received over 8million to 10 million  viewers per month and also 500 registers per day.Indiastudychannel was very help full for who searching on line revenue and simple said that students pocket money.

Indiastudychannel mainly discussing about in India level all categories like student life based,all study information like school information and college information university  information all are available in Indiastudychannel,and also Indiastudychannel was given information about graduation courses and post graduation courses information was available in Indiastudychannel.

In Indiastudychannel,the people who intrusted to registered then go to revenue money from ad sense also.who is intrusted in this Indiastudychannel website click this register link 


 The register people work is post a  question like any type of India related questions   minimum 250 letters
 then after you post you are question in ask experts option from Indiastudychannel,and also post a answers from forums option from Indiastudychannel,and also post all exam question papers university exams question papers and government exam question papers in Indiastudychannel.

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